Mary Rabago
“Live & Learn”
nuestro tema de hoy por la 1190AM
Katie Johnson
Directora Ejecutiva
Live & Learn
Stephanie Castillo
Asistente De Programa
Clara Arenas
Mentora Principal
Maria Saabedra
Graduada Del Programa
Iris Ortega
Graduada Del Programa
Via Telefonica
Isela Blanc
Representante Legislativo Distrito 26
There is a crisis in our state when it comes to education. Our teachers are dead last in teacher pay and we spend less on our students then almost any other state. Join Rep. Isela Blanc and I in calling Gov. Ducey and demand he fund ADE IT, our teachers, and students. (602) 542-4331
Posted by Tony Navarrete on Monday, March 6, 2017